Creative Wellness

healing through counseling & creative arts


STRONGGirls / Keep It Strong

STRONGGirls (SG) is an innovative program designed especially for girls age 12-18 with risky behavior.  All participants are referred to the program by Jefferson County Family Court.  The SG group integrates mind-body awareness through experiential activities, expressive movement, art, and poetry. The girls learn new ways of managing problematic behavior, developing social skills, improving communication among family and peers, character building and conflict resolution.  Each STRONGGirls session lasts approximately 9 weeks and occurs 4 times per year. The girls attend group twice weekly while their parents attend their own group meeting once weekly. In addition, there are also 2 Saturday events, one is for girls only and the other is for girls and their parents.

The Keep It STRONG (KIS) group is a weekly support and skill-building group that was created to expand STRONGGirls services.  KIS was developed to eliminate the wait time before a girl receives services, providing an immediate entry point prior to the start of the next STRONGGirls intensive group session.  It also functions as aftercare for girls who are clinically indicated as needing additional care after the intensive group component.  This group focuses on character building, life skills and developing personal strengths.  The girls learn through “real world” scenarios such as understanding and completing job applications and interviewing, visits to college campuses, budgeting, opening a bank account, creative and cultural experiences, community service projects and much more!  KIS meets once a week.

Individual and Family Counseling Sessions are a part of both STRONGGirls and Keep It STRONG programs.